In modern society, many men and women are interested in magic, philosophical theories, esoteric practices. It is known that a variety of objects are used for magical rituals. But in reality, physical carriers or tools are somehoware not the main and even not a mandatory condition for achieving the goals set for the ritual. The basis of the magical transformation of reality is the word through which the magician expresses his desire and intention. An amulet and an amuletA conspiracy for, a love spell, a protective whisper, an affirmation are all examples of verbal magic. It is impossible to immediately tell about all the varieties of word control in one article, so today we will consider only one aspect of verbal magic: We will tell you how to speak different objects correctly. But in the future we will definitely return to this topic. Do not miss the new post!
Conspiracy for amulets and amulets: for prosperity, luck, protection
The market is sensitive to demand, so in almost every bookstore you can find a collection of spells for all occasions. People buy almost magical literature in the hope that it will help them quickly fix various problems.
Unfortunately, in practice it is not so easy. Even if the author knows what he is writing about, just reading the plot in the book is not enough. To good luck, wealth, or, for example, loveTo draw a talisman should have at least a general idea of how to speak.
Conspiracy is an art that for centuries was available only to the initiates: magicians, sorcerers, healers. At the same time, most magicians were illiterate, so they had no list of spells. But to a wise man, this was not a problem. No - if you know the basic rules for compiling magical texts, you can easily create them for each specific case. Choosing such a strategy, the practicing magician will solve all the problems of the person addressed. Takes into account the nuances, which undoubtedly strengthens the sacrament and makes it more accurate.
The essence and structure of conspiracies

Magic texts are written in a special language that has its own rules and patterns. A correctly written plot consists of several parts:
- Introduction. The first phrase prepares a person for magical action, setting him in the right mood. In Christian culture, a conspiracy often begins with an appeal to the Lord.
- Beginning. In conspiracies for Slavic amulets, there is usually a descriptive part referring to a certain place of power where the main action takes place: Alatyr stone, sea-ocean, high mountain, Bayan island. The speaker states that heHow does he leave his home, what difficulties does he overcome on the way. All these mythical places are at the junction of worlds. If you feel the meaning of the text, you can see in yourself various physical sensations: coldNumbness, warmth, tingling.
- The core of the spell is, in fact, a description of the requirements, the sorcerer's wish. Here we explicitly state what we want. Sometimes mythical creatures or forces of nature are also used here to help enhance the magical effect. is called.
- Tala (nail). This part reinforces the magical part of the text. Usually, at the end of the plot, words are heard, such as interfering with the work, preventing it from outside influences ("key", "lock") orConfirming the will of the magician ("so be it").
It's no secret that sometimes even a phrase thrown in by mistake turns out to be prophetic. The spoken word, at the right time and under certain conditions, has even greater potential for execution.
Basic rules for reading conspiracy
There is an opinion that any spell can be read from a piece of paper and magic words will still work. This is not entirely true. You can read from the sheet the conspiracies that you composed yourself, adding your ownEnergy was invested. In other cases, the saturation of the text with energy is done only at the stage of memorization. The best option is to read the plot as a gift, but keep the record before your eyesSo that you can peek: you do not stumble and get confused while reading.
Other rules, following which you can successfully speak of a talisman for good luck or money:
- Some magical texts should not be spoken aloud, but in a whisper. It is not as easy as it sounds - the words should flow evenly, without hesitation, that is, the whisper does not stop on breathing orOn exhalation. If there is no such condition in the description of the sacrament, the conspiracy is pronounced clearly, confidently and slowly in one tone. Some mantras are pronounced loudly, on the verge of screaming.
- Compliance with the lunar cycles is an important condition for success. Talisman To attract success in various areas of life, it is customary to speak to the growing moon.
- The best time to chant the mantra is from dusk to dawn. At this time, most people are asleep, the energy-suggesting field is being cleared.
- Unless otherwise indicated in the description of the ritual, the text is read facing east.
- Many rituals are performed outside. If there is no way out, then you have to at least open the window.
- Before the ceremony, you need to take a shower, remove body jewelry, put on clean clothes without fasteners and a belt.
- Try to provide yourself with conditions under which no one can disturb you: turn off the phone, turn off the doorbell.
- In magic, a firm belief in one's actions is a prerequisite.
- To turn a trinket into a magical item, you need to focus as much as possible on the end result. Imagine the action of the amulet. For example, you can imagine how a magical helper with an invisible shieldProtects you or your wallet full of large banknotes (the picture is chosen depending on the tasks assigned to the amulet).
The control of the senses plays a special role in magical practices. During rituals, it is strictly forbidden to be distracted, think about extraneous things or act without pacifying negative emotions. For example, if you are wearing a protective amulet, then first get rid of the feeling of injustice or anger directed at your offender. The amulet should be saturated with a completely different kind of energy: a sense of one's strength, security, self-confidence.
what can be said
Not every item is suitable for the honorary role of an amulet or amulet - certain requirements are imposed on the bearer of magical programs. First of all, the thing you choose must be small in size so that it is convenient to carry it with you. Secondly, itIt should be remembered that the energy charge does not hold well in plastics or synthetics, so you need to choose a carrier made of natural materials.
Today, in the age of industrial production, one can buy any symbol in a specialty store and let it speak for itself. But you can make an amulet out of wood: prepare a wooden plate, and then cast a spell on itPut a mark

Many people like to saturate jewelry with favorable energy, and some use completely ordinary, everyday objects for this purpose: pins, scarves, buttons. For example, talismans are very much among key craftsmen. is popular.
Talisman conspiracy for good luck (for your favorite little thing)
To list luck in all cases, you need to choose something that you use often or you can always carry it with you. After waiting for the moon to come, close to midnight of wax. Light the candle, pick up the object and read the plot twelve times:
"The moon is reborn, its power awakens and goes straight to me. My destiny (to name a thing) cannot be broken, just as the moon will never separate from the sky. It is my duty to follow me. "On the heels of luck, and I do great! Amen! "
It is recommended to repeat this simple ritual every new moon in order to renew the energy charge of the amulet.
Amulet for wealth luck from stones and minerals
Many natural minerals have special properties, such as attracting financial flow, good luck, developing intuition and business sense. Chrysoprase is considered the best "profitable" stone, but you can choose carnelian (suitable for creative people) or citrine (Helps in difficult life situations).
How to say amulets for wealth and good luck:
- Rinse the chosen pebble with running water to clean it of the remnants of energy from those who took it in your hands
- At midnight, light three green wax candles
- keeping the stone under the pillow overnight after reading the plot three times
The text reads like this:
"Mountain of Abraham, the strength of Adam, I turn to you, I know the powers of the Almighty! Do not refuse me, servant of God (name) in service. As a snake takes off its skin, so I alwaysFor I will lose my thinness, poverty and homelessness. Morning wind, lift you up and take my misfortune to a distant land. And bring at my feet the royal palace, a good horse, mountains of gold and silver. May my word be strong! Key, lock, tongue, amen! "
Amulets can be worn as a keychain or phone pendant. Some people prefer to use a stone without a rim, then hide it in a wallet or purse. Women often wear jewelry made of attractive stones.
How to speak gold ring for luck in all matters
Rituals with gold objects are most effective, as gold has long been considered a metal endowed with great magical power.
How to say an amulet for good luck in everything? It is not difficult at all. You need to take a golden ring and wrap it completely with a woolen thread. It is strictly forbidden to tie a knot in the thread. Now take a candle in your right hand, light it and read the plot:
"The titmouse lived on the other side of the sea, he made his nest there. He found the ring in the sea and brought it to me. I will decorate, I will dress, I will be of good people. All secrets will open before me, all doors will open, Everything will be as I say. And so! "
After that, the ring can be immediately placed on the finger and worn as a regular piece of jewelry. And you can wear it only on special occasions when you need support from above. Suitable for both men.
Now you know how to do the conspiracy on the amulet and amulet correctly. And you do not need to seek help from the master - you can make your own personal amulet if you wish. We wish you success!